Mindful Monkey.

An Offering

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Those nice people at West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group have enabled us to deliver mindfulness courses around Leicestershire during 2016 and 2017.

Our next journey into mindfulness will be starting on 7.5.17. Is this the right time for you to join us? I recently facilitated a day of mindfulness and here is a recording of one of the practices. You can download and try out the practice if you like.

This 10 week mindfulness course is combined with additional support to form Mindful Mentoring which aims to help people improve their emotional wellbeing, mental health and social functioning. Each course will run every Sunday 1:00 to 4:00 pm over a period of 10 weeks.

It has been a pleasure to work with the people who have joined us for the three courses so far. The next course starts in Hinckley.

There will be a taster session on 30.4.17 so you can just pop in and find out more. The course is free, if you would like to refer someone you are working with (or want to refer yourself) then to book your place or get more information call or text:

Jit Singh
Project Manager
Mindful Mentoring

Phone: 07939 199 549
Email: info@go-getta.org.uk

Mindfulness downloads refreshed

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01-20150215_121040 (Resize for blog)I have updated the guided mindfulness recordings here on Mindful-monkey. They are free, just click on ‘Downloads’ at the top of the page. I hope you can use them to support your mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness Practice – Free Downloads

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You can now get all the Guided Mindfulness recordings you need to get going with your practice. Just click on ‘Downloads’ in the menu at the top of the screen.

The idea is that you start with CD1 and progress to CD2 and then CD3.

These tracks were recorded during a weekly mindfulness session I run and are not studio quality; they work just fine if you want to use them to guide your practice. Feel free to download them and I hope you find them helpful.

My earlier Blogs gave some information about these recordings which you can read by clicking on the links below:

The Breathing Space

New Mindfulness Practice Recordings

Another set of Mindfulness practice recordings

Two Longer Mindfulness Practices

Two Longer Mindfulness Practices

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Here are another couple of guided mindfulness recordings that were made during the weekly sessions in Leicester during August. These CD3 recordings are from the last part of the 10 week course and so should be used once you have been practicing with CD1 and CD2 for a while.

They were recorded with a group and are not studio quality, we practice in the real world so we can allow the background sounds as part of what is here. Feel free to download and use them. I hope you find them helpful in your practice.



Another set of Mindfulness practice recordings

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Here is another set of guided mindfulness recordings.They were recorded during a weekly session I run in Leicester and are not studio quality, they work just fine if you want to use them to guide your practice. Feel free to download them and I hope you find them helpful.


New Mindfulness Practice Recordings

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I have added some short mindfulness practice recordings to the ‘downloads’ page. The three recordings are short versions of the essential mindfulness practices.

They were recorded during a weekly session I run in Leicester and are not studio quality, they work just fine if you want to use them to guide your practice. Feel free to download them and I hope you find them helpful.

The Breathing Space

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I am attaching a short recording that I recently made. It is a guided meditation that can be useful when trying to do something self nourishing in a busy life.

It is called the Breathing Space, designed to fit into small spaces during the day, it is only about 4 minutes long. You can put in on your computer, mp3 player etc. and use it when you have a spare few minutes.
After a while you get to know the (simple) steps and don’t need the recording to do take a short mindfulness break and can do it without the recording. You can also vary the time you do it for, it could be a minute or 10 depending on the situation. If you do use it then feel free to let me know how you get on with it.

Click on the ‘Downloads’ link above to go to the recording

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