Mindful Monkey.

An Offering

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Those nice people at West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group have enabled us to deliver mindfulness courses around Leicestershire during 2016 and 2017.

Our next journey into mindfulness will be starting on 7.5.17. Is this the right time for you to join us? I recently facilitated a day of mindfulness and here is a recording of one of the practices. You can download and try out the practice if you like.

This 10 week mindfulness course is combined with additional support to form Mindful Mentoring which aims to help people improve their emotional wellbeing, mental health and social functioning. Each course will run every Sunday 1:00 to 4:00 pm over a period of 10 weeks.

It has been a pleasure to work with the people who have joined us for the three courses so far. The next course starts in Hinckley.

There will be a taster session on 30.4.17 so you can just pop in and find out more. The course is free, if you would like to refer someone you are working with (or want to refer yourself) then to book your place or get more information call or text:

Jit Singh
Project Manager
Mindful Mentoring

Phone: 07939 199 549
Email: info@go-getta.org.uk

There is growing evidence to suggest that mindfulness can bring about a wide range of improvements in physical, psychological and emotional well-being. Typically these benefits build up over a number of weeks of sustained practice.

If you want to explore mindfulness at a deeper level and are willing to do some daily practice between course meetings, then this course is for you. With a small group of people we will be guiding you through a set of mindfulness practices; starting with the Breath through to cultivating Self-Acceptance. You will be given recordings and instruction on how to practice in between the meetings. These can then become a resource that you can carry into the rest of your life.

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