Mindful Monkey.

Mindfulness: 10 Week Course – Starting in Coalville

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There is growing evidence to suggest that mindfulness can bring about a wide range of improvements in physical, psychological and emotional well-being. Typically these benefits build up over a number of weeks of sustained practice.

The West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group have enabled us to deliver mindfulness courses around Leicestershire during 2016 and 2017. Our next journey into mindfulness will be starting on in September and will take place in Coalville at Marlene Reid Centre. Is this the right time for you to join us?

There will be a taster session on Sunday 14.1.18. This is an opportunity for you to come and find out more about the course before signing up.

The course will then run every Sunday 1:00 to 4:00 pm over a period of 10 weeks. The course is free, if you would like to come along or refer someone else then contact:

Jit Singh
Project Manager
Mindful Mentoring
Phone: 07939 199 549
Email: info@go-getta.org.uk

Venue: Marlene Reid Centre, 85 Belvoir Road, Coalville, LE67 3PH

Dates: Tater Session: 14.1.18 – 1:00 to 3:00 pm

Course Start Date: 21.1.18

A bit more about the course

If you want to learn how to cultivate mindfulness and are willing to do some daily practice between course meetings, then this course is for you. With a small group of people we will be guiding you through a set of mindfulness practices; starting with the breath through to mindfulness of body, thoughts emotions and self-acceptance. You will be given recordings and instructions on how to practice in between the meetings. What you learn on the course can become a resource that you can carry into the rest of your life.

The course is run in partnership with Go-Getta CIC, a social enterprise established in 2012 that works with communities to improve outcomes for young people and vulnerable adults.

This 10 week mindfulness course is combined with additional support to form Mindful Mentoring which aims to help people improve their emotional wellbeing, mental health and social functioning.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Mindfulness: 10 Week Course – Starting in Loughborough

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There is growing evidence to suggest that mindfulness can bring about a wide range of improvements in physical, psychological and emotional well-being. Typically these benefits build up over a number of weeks of sustained practice.

The West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group have enabled us to deliver mindfulness courses around Leicestershire during 2016 and 2017. Our next journey into mindfulness will be starting on in September and will take place at Loughborough Leisure Centre. Is this the right time for you to join us?

There will be a taster session on Sunday 10.9.17. This is an opportunity for you to come and find out more about the course before signing up.

The course will then run every Sunday 1:00 to 4:00 pm over a period of 10 weeks. The course is free, if you would like to come along or refer someone else then contact:

Jit Singh
Project Manager
Mindful Mentoring
Phone: 07939 199 549
Email: info@go-getta.org.uk

Venue: Loughborough Leisure Centre, Browns Lane, Loughborough, LE11 3HE

Dates: Tater Session: 10.9.17 – 1:00 to 3:00 pm

Course Start Date: 17.9.17

A bit more about the course

If you want to explore mindfulness at a deeper level and are willing to do some daily practice between course meetings, then this course is for you. With a small group of people we will be guiding you through a set of mindfulness practices; starting with the breath through to cultivating self-acceptance. You will be given recordings and instructions on how to practice in between the meetings. What you learn on the course can become a resource that you can carry into the rest of your life.

The course is run in partnership with Go-Getta CIC, a social enterprise established in 2012 that works with communities to improve outcomes for young people and vulnerable adults.

This 10 week mindfulness course is combined with additional support to form Mindful Mentoring which aims to help people improve their emotional wellbeing, mental health and social functioning.

We look forward to seeing you there.

An Offering

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Those nice people at West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group have enabled us to deliver mindfulness courses around Leicestershire during 2016 and 2017.

Our next journey into mindfulness will be starting on 7.5.17. Is this the right time for you to join us? I recently facilitated a day of mindfulness and here is a recording of one of the practices. You can download and try out the practice if you like.

This 10 week mindfulness course is combined with additional support to form Mindful Mentoring which aims to help people improve their emotional wellbeing, mental health and social functioning. Each course will run every Sunday 1:00 to 4:00 pm over a period of 10 weeks.

It has been a pleasure to work with the people who have joined us for the three courses so far. The next course starts in Hinckley.

There will be a taster session on 30.4.17 so you can just pop in and find out more. The course is free, if you would like to refer someone you are working with (or want to refer yourself) then to book your place or get more information call or text:

Jit Singh
Project Manager
Mindful Mentoring

Phone: 07939 199 549
Email: info@go-getta.org.uk

A new publication from the Mindfulness Initiative – The mindful workplace

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Building the Case for Mindfulness in the Workplace

Building the Case cover

One year after the Mindfulness All-Party Parliamentary Group released its seminal Mindful Nation UK report, the Mindfulness Initiative has launched a new publication: ‘Building the Case for Mindfulness in the Workplace’.

“The document is primarily intended as a resource for those developing a business case for mindfulness training within their own organisation. It provides an updated summary of the research evidence, narrative rationales addressing different organisational needs, case studies and a range of toolkits to help with programme planning, implementation and evaluation”

In my conversations with colleagues in services from eduction, health, drug & alcohol services and social care (and beyond) it seems that stress is pretty much universal. People love the work they do but not so much the pressure from targets and paperwork. So this report is one part of the discussion about how we can cope better.

Of course there is also the discussion to be had about organising things in a more streamlined way, and trusting practitioners’ commitment and knowledge rather then the current ‘top-down’ way of doing things. We can come back to that discussion at another time.



Mindfulness & Somatic Based Approaches: An Experiential Workshop

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I will be facilitating this workshop at Leicester University on the 3rd and 4th of April 2017.

It is part of the Foundation Degree course for the 2014 intake. As there are a few spare spaces so we are making it available to other students and graduates of the Foundation Degree in Drug and Alcohol Counselling and Treatment.

This will be a strongly experiential workshop. The first day will mainly focus on mindfulness practice interspersed with some discussion. The second day will build on this to develop skills in using mindfulness and embodied approaches in counselling (particpants need to attend both days).

The course is open (and free) to graduates and current students on the Foundation Degree in Drug and Alcohol Counselling and Treatment. Places are limited and you need to book a place. If you would like to attend then please email the course director of the Foundation Degree, Tony Priest on agp6@le.ac.uk.

Mindfulness: 10 Week Course – Starting in Coalville

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Those nice people at West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group have enabled us to deliver mindfulness courses around Leicestershire during 2016 and 2017.

Our next journey into mindfulness will be starting on 5.2.17. Is this the right time for you to join us?

This 10 week mindfulness course is combined with additional support to form Mindful Mentoring which aims to help people improve their emotional wellbeing, mental health and social functioning. Each course will run every Sunday 1:00 to 4:00 pm over a period of 10 weeks.

It has been a pleasure to work with the people who have joined us for the two courses so far. The next course starts in Coalville, and will take place at the Marlene Reid Centre 85 Belvoir Road,
Coalville, LE67 3PH

There will be a taster session on 29.1.17 so you can just pop in and find out more. The course is free, if you would like to refer someone you are working with (or want to refer yourself) then to book your place or get more information call or text:

Jit Singh
Project Manager
Mindful Mentoring

Phone: 07939 199 549
Email: info@go-getta.org.uk


Mindfulness – The 10 Week Course

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There is growing evidence to suggest that mindfulness can bring about a wide range of improvements in physical, psychological and emotional well-being. Typically these benefits build up over a number of weeks of sustained practice.

If you want to explore mindfulness at a deeper level and are willing to do some daily practice between course meetings, then this course is for you. With a small group of people we will be guiding you through a set of mindfulness practices; starting with the Breath through to cultivating Self-Acceptance. You will be given recordings and instruction on how to practice in between the meetings. These can then become a resource that you can carry into the rest of your life.

There will be a taster day on Sunday 2nd of October. This is an opportunity for you to come and find out more about the course before signing up. The course will then run for 10 sessions, every Sunday 1:00 to 4:00 pm starting on on the 9th of October 2016 at Loughborough Leisure Centre, Browns Lane, Loughborough, LE11 3HE

To book your place or get more information call or text Jit Singh on 07939 199 549 or email info@go-getta.org.uk


Mindfulness: 10 Week Course – Starting in Loughborough

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Our next journey into mindfulness will be starting on 2.10.16. Is this the right time for you to join us? Those nice people at West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group have enabled me to deliver mindfulness courses around Leicestershire during 2016 and 2017.

This 10 week mindfulness course is combined with additional support to form Mindful Mentoring which aims to help people improve their emotional wellbeing, mental health and social functioning.

Each course will run on Sunday afternoons over a period of 10 weeks. The first course in Hinckley in now coming to an end. It has been a pleasure to work with the people who have joined us for this course.

The next course starts in Loughborough, and will take place at Loughborough Leisure Centre. There will be a taster session on 2.10.16 so you can just pop in and find out more. The course is free, if you would like to refer someone you are working with (or want to refer yourself) then contact:

Jit Singh
Project Manager
Mindful Mentoring
Email: info@go-getta.org.uk

Mindfulness courses in Leicestershire

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Those nice people at West Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Group have enabled me to deliver mindfulness courses around Leicestershire during 2016 and 2017.


I am doing this in partnership with Go-Getta CIC, a social enterprise established in 2012 that works with communities to improve outcomes for young people and vulnerable adults.

Mindful MentoringThe 10 week mindfulness course is combined with additional support to form Mindful Mentoring which aims to help individuals achieve improved outcomes around their emotional wellbeing and mental health

Each course will run on Sunday afternoons over a period of 10 weeks. The first course is now up and running in Hinckley. The next course starts in Charnwood. There will be a taster session on 2.10.16. Then in January 2017 the course will be running in Coalville.

If you would like to refer someone you are working with (or want to refer yourself) then contact:
Jit Singh
Project Manager
Mindful Mentoring
Email: info@go-getta.org.uk

Mindfulness for Health & Well-Being – The 10 Week Course

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The course has now started. Our next Mindfulness Course is due to start  on 11.9.16. If you were planning to attend then pop the date in your diary and watch this space for further information. 

There is growing evidence to suggest that mindfulness can bring about a wide range of improvements in physical, psychological and emotional well-being. Typically these benefits build up over a number of weeks of sustained practice.

If you want to explore mindfulness at a deeper level and are willing to do some daily practice between course meetings, then this course is for you. With a small group of people we will be guiding you through a set of mindfulness practices; starting with the Breath through to cultivating Self-Acceptance.

You will be given recordings and instruction on how to practice in between the meetings. These can then become a resource that you can carry into the rest of your life. We will meet fortnightly over 10 weeks on Sunday afternoons from 2:00 to 5:30 pm on:


You can sign up just below here (please scroll all the way to the bottom of the page). You can either pay the full fee or if it helps then you can pay in 3 instalments. The first instalment works as a deposit and secures your place on the course.

Get in touch if you have any questions: Shehzad@mindful-monkey.com

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