Mindful Monkey.

Foundation Degree in Drug & Alcohol Counselling & Treatment


If you are working with substance users or would like to move into the field then this might be the course for you. It is part time and designed to fit alongside work. It runs as a one evening a week class in Leicester or if you live further afield or need the flexible study option then the Distance Learning Option might be for you.

“The course will provide the skills, knowledge base and expertise needed to use counselling skills within the drug and alcohol counselling field. The Degree provides an opportunity for people to train as drug and alcohol counselling workers and build a career in this profession… and will enable students to develop sufficient competence and confidence to access employment in the drug and alcohol counselling field.”

Both are now recruiting. Click the links for more information about the Face to Face Course or the Distance Learning Course.

If you want more information then contact LH114@le.ac.uk or get in touch with me.

Really Listening…

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Do you ever get that thing where you remember something you did in the past and cringe? There is a reason why this might be such a universal experience: we are wiser now than we were then.

One thing that makes us wiser (we hope!) as we get older is that we’ve had more opportunities to make mistakes. And mistakes are a powerful way to learn. One of the standout things for me is about learning to really listen.

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It seems to me that often when we miss an opportunity or get things wrong, it is when we weren’t listening well enough. What kind of listening are we talking about?

The common way of listening is through the filters of what we already know, of what is already important. If we are able to listen to our experience with fresh eyes, fresh ears, open heart, we can see new possibilities and learn new things.

This is one of the big secrets of living and communicating with others.  How can we cultivate this? In connection with meditation we sometimes come across the phrase “seeing things as they really are”. It sounds wise but we are not so sure what it means. As we spend a bit of time practicing we notice this ability to experience things in a spacious, open way, beginning to unfold…

Mindfulness Practice – Free Downloads

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You can now get all the Guided Mindfulness recordings you need to get going with your practice. Just click on ‘Downloads’ in the menu at the top of the screen.

The idea is that you start with CD1 and progress to CD2 and then CD3.

These tracks were recorded during a weekly mindfulness session I run and are not studio quality; they work just fine if you want to use them to guide your practice. Feel free to download them and I hope you find them helpful.

My earlier Blogs gave some information about these recordings which you can read by clicking on the links below:

The Breathing Space

New Mindfulness Practice Recordings

Another set of Mindfulness practice recordings

Two Longer Mindfulness Practices

Two Longer Mindfulness Practices

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Here are another couple of guided mindfulness recordings that were made during the weekly sessions in Leicester during August. These CD3 recordings are from the last part of the 10 week course and so should be used once you have been practicing with CD1 and CD2 for a while.

They were recorded with a group and are not studio quality, we practice in the real world so we can allow the background sounds as part of what is here. Feel free to download and use them. I hope you find them helpful in your practice.



Here’s a designer drug to avoid!!

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PMMA an Amphetamine analogue (para-Methoxymethamphetamine) that has been found to cause a number of deaths round the world including Norway, Iceland and Canada where it was found to be the active ingredient Ecstasy tablets.

It started out as a ‘legal high’ and is now showing up in ‘Ecstasy’ pills and causing health problems.


New Mindfulness Practice Recordings

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I have added some short mindfulness practice recordings to the ‘downloads’ page. The three recordings are short versions of the essential mindfulness practices.

They were recorded during a weekly session I run in Leicester and are not studio quality, they work just fine if you want to use them to guide your practice. Feel free to download them and I hope you find them helpful.

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